- Allow students to submit their assignments as blogs– Blogs are short online articles that are taking the world by storm. Blogs are a great resource for both author and reader as the author has the freedom to express their thoughts and experiences while the reader learns something new.Best for students in grade 7 and 8 . Many free blogging websites exist today, some user friendly sites- wordpress, blogger, medium , wix, weebly
- Submit assignments as podcast– Engage your students to submit assignment as podcast to remove the stress of having to present each time and making beautiful slides. You can create podcast review, this helps the students who have missed the class to gather information and be ready for their next class . Have your students share their videos through youtube, anchor or soundcloud. When students create shareable content they become more accountable for their work as then it will be read by the world .
- Work with a classroom on the other side of the world – Teach about history and geography by engaging the students to connect with other students from those countries . Let them learn about different culture and climate from them. This can be done using skype or any video conferencing too.
- Gamify skills like problem solving: Gamifying your classroom occurs anytime you bring in competition or levels of achievement to your classroom. Adding rewards to skills that you want to cultivate among students is an excellent way of reinforcing the students. eg cultivating kindness empathy . create badges or awards to gamify the learning experience for them.
- Create infographics to explain– Visuals are more engaging than real text. Try tools like piktochart . PPT , keynote or canva can also be used for the same.
- Record and playback reading– students do not realise how they sound while they are reading . Many of them read without any intonation or expression and often mispronounce words. Recording their voice will enable them to listen to themselves and fix those errors thus enabling them to read with expressions. They can even share their recordings to get maximum votes for by using the tool flipgrid for the same or any voice recording tool on their tablets.
- Interactive attendance – Attendance is a cumbersome job and takes away time by asking each child to raise their hand. Make this interactive by allowing children to drag and drop their pics into the ‘present’ section on white board as they enter the school.
- Create digital bulletin boards– Digital bulletin boards are the best way to enable students to collaborate with one another and share their thoughts through text, videos, gifs, audio and even images. Provide ample opportunities for students to express themselves . The more they are heard , the more the engagement . Students voice and choice is very crucial in today’s classroom . Tools like padlet and seesaw are great for sharing and engagement.Do comment and let me know which digital mode you are using in your classroom.