Introductory certificate course in UDL- Using Drama for Learning by Theatre Professionals Education

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Shaizia Jifri

Shaizia Jifri is Theatre Professionals’ senior-most trainer and has been key in designing, implemen ng and master-training much of the content for Theatre Professionals Educa on’s Using Drama for Learning Programme and the Crea ve Play in the Pre Primary. Shaizia has taught Drama for over a decade, acquiring hands-on experience as a Drama Trainer and Therapist at several IB and IGCSE Interna onal Schools as well as low-income schools. She has worked across learner age groups, and socio-economic backgrounds, teaching to a mul tude of different outcomes, and through training and mentoring drama instructors and school teachers, developed a deep ar cula on of her prac se.

Her training is diverse and extensive, with prac cal training from many experts in the field. Shaizia’s training includes; German Methods of Theatre Pedagogy (Edda Holl and Sophia Steph), Theatre of the Oppressed (Marc Weinblat, Mandala Centre for Change) Teacher in Role and Process Drama methods (Maya Rao, TiE Expert, Author of NCERT Drama Curriculum, Course Leader, Theatre for Educa on and Social Transforma on, Shiv Nadar University), Puppet Making and Manipula on (Anurupa Roy, Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust), Ac ng, Improvisa on and Shakespeare, and Theatre for Children (Roo Jhala, Oxford School of Drama), and a number of workshops under theatre masters from across India.

Shaizia works as a puppeteer and runs workshops outside of school and uses this prac ce as a tool for educa on. Shaizia is also a visual ar st and marries her experience of illustra on and design thinking with her drama based work in the educa on space. Shaizia has a BA(Hons) from the University of Her ordshire in the UK


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